Do you have the assurance of having the best financing conditions when a commercial banker presents you with a financing offer for your project?
In the context of commercial financing, considering that the interest charge is a deductible expense, the interest rate should not be the only financing condition on which to negotiate. Application fees, annual review fees, amortization, percentage of financing, personal guarantees and many other conditions will also be important. Our in-depth knowledge of the negotiation levers will allow us to negotiate a financing offer according to your needs and expectations.
Do you know how to credibly present your project to financial institutions?
Do you have the experience and the knowledge of the banking world?
You will only have one chance to make a great impression. Before going to a commercial banker, make sure that your project is complete and credible. Therefore, we take the necessary time, with you, to ensure that your project will demonstrate all the winning conditions to ensure its success.
Experienced Specialists
Depending on the type of project, the niche in which your business operates and above all, your needs, it is important to know to whom you will have to submit your financing request. Do you know the right financial institution for your project, and above all, who will be the specialist able to help you within this bank?
Our knowledge of the banking market allows us to put you in touch with the specialists designated according to your project and your niche of activities. Knowing an account manager at a bank is a good first step but knowing the RIGHT account manager is one of the benefits your commercial mortgage broker offers.
Time is certainly the most important value in the business world. Do you have time to present your project to several bankers at once? To negotiate with each of them?
As an entrepreneur, the time you invest in finding funding has no added value and distracts you from your real priorities. We’ll save you the time you need to focus on growing your business. While we are working for you, you will be watching over the growth of your business.